Dave – SPARC’s Resettlement Work

Dave, an armed forces veteran, had been living on the streets of Lincoln in a tent for several years.  He had a number of mental health problems which were being made worse by his situation.  He appeared at Lincoln Magistrates Court and spoke with a SPARC practitioner.  Upon receiving a custodial sentence, the SPARC practitioner started supporting Dave and working with him to address his resettlement needs.

Dave continued to receive the support he required in prison to address his health needs and his housing needs.  The SPARC practitioner assisted him in completing housing applications and prior to his release he was offered a place at with a supported housing provider locally.  He was able to go straight there upon his release from prison.  His SPARC practitioner engaged with a national veterans charity to access a small grant for Dave to purchase some new clothing and household items.  He is now also engaging with local mental health services to address his needs. 

