Tips for Improving Mental Health

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This week at Lincolnshire Action Trust (LAT) we are recognising Mental Health Awareness Week and asking ourselves how we prioritise our wellbeing, both within the workplace and beyond. Cultivating kindness towards ourselves and others can significantly improve our mental state and alleviate stress across all aspects of life.

At LAT, we always try our best to look out for each other. Regularly checking in, organising team catch-ups and challenging how we can be better helps us to sustain a supportive work environment that we all enjoy being a part of. We also encourage a healthy work/life balance which helps us to make the most of our time outside of work.

Life can become overwhelming for anyone at any time and it is important to look after your mental health consistently before it gets to tipping point. As a team we have put together some key tips to help.


  1. Share the load

Whether it’s to talk things through or just engage in a friendly conversation to distract your mind, reach out to your friends and family when you're feeling down. Suffering alone can make things seem worse so if possible try to get things off your chest with someone impartial or someone who cares about you.

  1. Discover new hobbies

Starting something new, no matter if it’s physical exercise, something creative or a mindfulness- related activity, it is a great way to take your mind off things. Staying busy can take your mind off tough thoughts and feelings, or even help you work through them, so why not spend your time doing something you enjoy?

  1. Acknowledge your feelings

Everyone has difficult days or periods of stress and high anxiety at some point throughout their lives. Allowing yourself to feel all emotions, both positive and negative, will help you deal with everyday life and move on from hard times.

  1. Look after yourself

Self-care is personal and means something different to everyone. This can be indulging in your skincare routine, making your favourite meal or watching your comfort TV show or anything that makes your feel appreciated. Remember to put yourself first.

  1. Look on the bright side

During hard times, it's often easy to overlook the positives and focus on the negatives. However, there's always something worth celebrating or being grateful for. Take a moment to remind yourself of the things that bring you happiness and be kind yourself.

While there is still a lot to be done to eradicate the stigma around mental health and more readily available support needed, it is great to see that there are lots of organisations who are here to help you should you need it. Check them out below.


Samaritans: Provides confidential emotional support for those experiencing feelings of distress or despair. Available 24/7.

Phone: 116 123 (free to call)



Mind Infoline: Offers information and support for people experiencing mental health issues.

Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)


Text: 86463


CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably): Provides support for men experiencing emotional distress or in crisis.

Phone: 0800 58 58 58 (daily, 5pm to midnight)



Rethink Mental Illness Advice Line: Offers practical advice and information for people affected by mental illness.

Phone: 0300 5000 927 (Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4pm)



Anxiety UK: Provides support for those living with anxiety, stress, or anxiety-based depression.

Phone: 03444 775 774 (Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 5:30pm)

Text: 07537 416 905



YoungMinds: Offers support to young people experiencing mental health challenges and their parents.

Phone (Parents Helpline): 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4pm)

Text: YM to 85258 (for crisis support)



The Mix: Provides support and advice to young people under 25 on a range of issues, including mental health.

Phone: 0808 808 4994 (daily, 4pm to 11pm)



Papyrus HOPELINEUK: Offers support and practical advice for young people at risk of suicide, as well as their families and friends.

Phone: 0800 068 4141 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 10pm; weekends and bank holidays, 2pm to 10pm)

Text: 07860 039967



Shout: Provides confidential support for anyone in crisis, available 24/7 via text.

Text: SHOUT to 85258

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